Move Podiatry

For Sports Injuries

At Move Podiatry we aim at getting you back on your feet as quickly as possible so that you can perform at the best of your ability.


Move Podiatry has a strong focus on sports injury. With further study in dry needling, foot mobilization, taping techniques and footwear, we are well equipped to cater for your sports injury needs.

Sports podiatry is a specific field of podiatry focusing on diagnosing, preventing and treating injuries related to sport. It is very important to accurately diagnose the complaint prior to developing a treatment plan. By using the latest assessment techniques, such as gait analysis and video capture software we can diagnose your problem accurately and get you back on track to return to sport as soon as possible.

We work with our patients to develop a structured rehabilitation plan that is strongly focussed on getting them back to sport – fast! As podiatrists with a passionate interest in sport, we understand the rigours and demands of training and the desire to return to activity as quickly as possible.

If you develop a sports injury it is important to rest and ice the area to minimise swelling and further damage. You should then contact us for further care and assessment.

We specialise in treating runners, triathletes, cyclists and athletes of all abilities. We understand because we are athletes too!


The Podiatrist who analyses, diagnoses and treats your lower limbs and feet is the same person to design your customised EVA orthotics.

Your orthotics will not be sent and modelled by a third party, they will be individually designed by the Podiatrist to ensure your orthotics are tailored specifically to suit your feet and presenting symptoms. By using one of the best scanning, modelling and milling CADCAM orthotics systems in the world, Move Podiatry is able to produce some of the best foot orthotics in the world.

Foot Orthotics are shoe inserts designed to support the natural shape of the foot and are designed to reduce stress on specific areas.

There are many benefits of orthotics and some of these include:

  • Alignment of the ankle and body
  • Improved posture
  • Improved foot function
  • Alleviating pain
  • Optimise running and sports performance

We use Paromed 3D laser foot scanner to create a highly accurate impression of the foot.

There is no time wasted with plaster cast impressions of the foot. This latest technology captures every contour of your foot as laser scanning is far more accurate. Your foot can be scanned under partial load or full weight-bearing to best capture the function of your foot and ensure the best outcomes of your orthotics.


Foot pressure analysis is an innovative way to see how your feet are moving with every step. This is very important when we think that on average we walk 10,000 steps per day. Understanding the way that the foot hits the ground during walking or running is how we can see where pain is coming from.

Insole pressure sensors is a clinical measuring system used to analyse in-shoe pressure during stance, walking, and running.

What are the benefits of Foot Pressure Analysis?

  • Your Podiatrist uses your results to design your orthotics
  • The pressure can be tested before and after treatment with footwear or orthotics
  • We can track and see gait improvements over time

Move Podiatry is one of the few Podiatry clinics in Queensland to use this piece of equipment.


Gait analysis involves observing how the body moves with walking and running. Your gait will be thoroughly assessed using video gait technology.

In a single step, we break down the movement into multiple key phases:

  • heel strike
  • midstance
  • propulsion
  • swing

As Podiatrist’s we assess the fluidity of movement throughout each step. By using slow motion gait analysis we are able to break down the movement into individual segments to see where pathology may be originating from. It is important to identify deviations from the norm with gait, in order to treat contributing factors, and move more efficiently and freely.


A thorough Podiatry assessment includes looking at the body as a whole - and from our perspective from the feet up!

A detailed understanding of movement patterns in the body, provides reason as to why injuries and pain are occurring.

What can you expect from your Podiatry consultation:

  • Postural analysis
  • Muscle and joint testing
  • Static observations
  • Functional observations during stance
  • Footwear assessments
  • Video gait analysis
  • Foot pressure analysis

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